Dealing with Depression: Missing a few meals can help.
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When dealing with depression, the normal route most people take is to seek the use of depression medication. However, a way more effective approach for depression help may lie in simply missing a few meals. How so? Well, my friend, read on for your enlightenment.
Dealing with Depression
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Who doesn't go through problems in life? From the worry of bills to be paid, traffic, work, taking care of our families. Gosh…the demands of modern-day life seem so overwhelming. It's no wonder several people are left dealing with depression in a quest to cope with these burdens.
Sometimes, these demands of life may aggravate strong emotions within us such as worry, fear, rage, hopelessness. Coincidentally, these are all symptoms of depression and as a consequence, dealing with depression remains a task that most of us have to undertake on a daily basis.
However, one very overlooked method of depression help and coping with its symptoms is quite simply a fast. It's as old as the mountains and perhaps nothing comes close to restoring one's emotional balance when dealing with depression as this powerful tool.
An observance of nature will show us that when animals are frightened or angered, they abstain from eating until after the passage of some time. Moreover, it is true that under stressful circumstances many civilized people refrain from eating and find in truth that they lack the desire for food, but it is also too often that most of us will eat large meals under these circumstances, which will be mostly disease forming foods to start with, that as a consequence, complicates or altogether halts an already retarded ongoing digestion.
This considered, perhaps the last thing you may want to do while dealing with depression-be it its causes or symptoms is to eat excessively, I may go as far as to say to even eat at all.
Worry, fear, anxiety, excitement, hurry, heated arguments at meals: all prevent the secretion of the digestive enzymes of the body and hinder not only digestion, but the whole nutrition process.
Perhaps, this is why according to the Bible, when most people were in grief or needed to be atoned with the Creator, they fasted. When used as a tool for dealing with depression, if combined with a powerful and faith driven prayer, fasting, my friends really unleashes the mental powers within us to solve our problems. It makes us come closer to our potential as true images of the Most High, and we can as a result see and think clearer as a step for a powerful and effective depression control method.
Fasting as a means of dealing with depression also greatly benefits one's overall health as during its use, the digestive organs are given a rest. Moreover, the mind clears allowing for a disappearance of all moroseness. We re-discover peace of mind and tranquility and life's difficulties are not as overwhelming.
So when problems seem to weigh in on us, when dealing with depression becomes an almost daily struggle for us, perhaps from all the indications above, the best thing to do will be to undertake a fast. It definitely won't hurt and can help immensely.