Thursday, July 21, 2011

Depression Help: What can the Bible do to ease the pain of depression?

Depression Help: What can the Bible do to ease the pain of depression?

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For depression many people across the globe turn to their religious faiths for strength.
This is a wise choice. Learn some of what the Bible has to say about your success at overcoming depression today.

Depression Help

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There are specific quotes in the Bible that target emotional health and well being and this should come as no surprise as this Book does cover, in my opinion the whole range of humanity, including depression and its symptoms. As a source of a help for depression, like perhaps any religious book, it could work wonders for dealing with depression-of course when used wisely.

These symptoms of depression, which consequently make us seek help, include feeling alone, having low-self esteem, a negative outlook on life and even in some more adverse cases, suicidal thoughts. Thankfully, there is a God who cares and His assistance in regards to a successful depression treatment remains unmatched. The key is you have to approach the methods the RIGHT WAY.

Most of us turn to prayer in seeking depression help, however as I've stated in previous articles, to get the answers you seek for your problems (which actually may lie within, by the way) will require a clear mind. This perhaps can come only from a cleaner body. Since fasting is advocated in several faiths, perhaps this is why most people in the Bible (or even the Quran) fasted before, during and after seeking God's help.

Remember drugless remedies have three limbs: Diet, exercise and Positive thinking. I've covered the diet and exercise part, let's deal with positive thoughts for depression help.

To strengthen your thoughts and emotional health with the Bible (obviously I am Christian folks, but I am sure any religious book will work), I refer you to what I label as thought conditioners that you can use for depression help in conjunction to the proper diet and exercises touched on in other articles.

Depression Help: Biblical Quotes for Positive Affirmations

1. Romans 12 verse 2: "Be ye Transformed by the renewing of your thoughts"
2. Nahum 1 verse 7: "The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble and He remembers those that trust in Him"
3. Isaiah 41 verse 10: "Fear not for I am with you, don't be dismayed for I am your God,
I will help you and make you strong and uphold you with my victorious Right Hand"
4. Hebrews 13 verse 5: "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
5. Psalm 23 verse 4: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
6. 1 Corinthians 10:13: "No temptation (problem) has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted (tested) beyond what you are able, but with the temptation (problem) will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."

Okay, I have to stop friends, why? Because there are TONS of verses you can draw spiritual strength and help for depression from. They are best personalized to make them work effectively as depression help tools for your situation.

You may choose to repeat them upon awakening or right before going to sleep to enable the thoughts to seek into your subconscious. Moreover, borrowing from my previous article on using Yoga for depression help, why not try affirming some of these words mentally in the wonderful and exhilarating corpse pose.

Remember though, as powerful as these verses are, to derive the best results, ensure to include the other limbs of drug-free healing being exercise and diet in regards to a successful depression help program.

So empower yourself today to a successful help for depression with biblical quotes and the right positive attitude.

May happiness be yours.


Depression Cure: Tips on how to draw from that Higher Power

Depression Cure: Tips on how to draw from that Higher Power

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A depression cure may not lie in pills and visits to shrinks. Great wonders already exist in your mind and are at your disposal. Unleash them with a re-connection to your Spiritual Core and you too can cure your depression successfully by drawing from that Higher Power. Let's proceed to find out how starting today.

Depression cure

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In spite of the immense technological advancements and inventions designed to make our lives easier, depression still exists and millions of people are still seeking a depression cure. With all the sources of entertainment around us, depression still lurks in the core of our very existence as humans.

Why? Could it be that with all the technology and scientific breakthroughs that we have lost the very essence of our being as humans? That-being a deep connection with the Omnipotent.

This may very well be the case. We work too hard, go at neck-breaking speeds in life to get things done and never take the time to relax and draw on the Higher Power inherent within us, it is no wonder over 25 million people in the United states are depressed and consequently seeking a depression cure to end their misery.

Coming from a Christian background and adhering to most of its principles in my honest opinion, an answer when asking for a depression cure will be a re-connection with God, by perhaps the most powerful yet easy method that although it is as old as the mountains is still extremely effective till this day: Prayer.

Don't approach it by thinking that you have to say some specific verses or a bunch of "Thee's and 'Thou's'". That's not necessary, talk to your Creator as you would your best friend and let it all out.

The next step will be to simply take the time out to relax.

I'm going to borrow from Yoga folks, and the pose here is the relaxation pose.
It involves laying flat on a bed, and consciously breathing deeply and evenly in a ratio of 5:5:5 (inhalation, retention and exhalation). You may do this accompanying a clock or a metronome. Breathe evenly as thus for several minutes, now consciously make auto-suggestions to your body starting from the toes to relax by saying mentally: "my toes are hereby relaxed, my feet are hereby relaxed etc…"

Do this working to the crown of your head and make sure every organ you can think of is relaxed by this auto-suggestion. Now the best part,  pick one of the following quotes depending on your spiritual beliefs and repeat this to yourself…(or heck, pick them all and repeat one after the other…)

1. I am that pure consciousness or self.
2. I can do all things through God who strengthens me.
3. They that wait upon God shall renew their strength.

Repeat this 'mantra' mentally till it seeps into your subconscious and it literally replaces the negative thoughts you may have about your problems, just as light always overcomes darkness.

Now, turn to your right side, breathe evenly again, then arise and approach your day believing that you are refreshed and drawing upon that higher power for a depression cure.

Friends, this is very important, that you believe you are healed, just like a child believes the pain felt earlier has been cured by Mom kissing it away. Yes, such a child-like faith is required. Child-like but folks, powerful! It's been written: "According to your faith be it unto you" (this is a basic law of successful living.)

In addition to this, to co-operate with the Higher Power in healing you, you've got to meet this Power halfway. Make efforts to better yourself. Let's get back to the basics folks, exercise, eating right and positive thinking. In regards to a depression cure, you may have to supplement drawing upon that Higher Power with seeking good company, sources of laughter and a wise avoidance of those factors or people that bring you down.

A depression cure is within reach, the power which has its roots in the Omnipotent and Unseen is right there inside of you. With the tips above, you can draw from it, solve your problems and lead a depression free life.

Empower yourself with a depression cure that works, reconnecting with the spiritual forces around you. Great wonders exist in your mind. Tap into it and win.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Depression And Suicide

Depression And Suicide

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Eighteen year old Catherine had everything: the most supportive family, a loving boyfriend, awesome set of friends and a comfortable life. But all of these things took a backseat when she was diagnosed with depression. From the bubbly chatterbox that she was, she morphed into a melancholic girl who had nothing in mind but to kill herself. "There is nothing left to live for. I'm worthless and hopeless." That statement ran in her head over and over again. She wanted to jump off...

depression, anxiety, help, sad

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Eighteen year old Catherine had everything: the most supportive family, a loving boyfriend, awesome set of friends and a comfortable life. But all of these things took a backseat when she was diagnosed with depression. From the bubbly chatterbox that she was, she morphed into a melancholic girl who had nothing in mind but to kill herself. "There is nothing left to live for. I'm worthless and hopeless." That statement ran in her head over and over again. She wanted to jump off the bridge or drink formaldehyde on a whim.

She was suicidal.

It took a lot of trips to the doctor and support from her family and friends before Catherine bounced back to normalcy. Now, the melancholia and suicidal thoughts are gone. She has just finished college and is about to start her dream job.

Suicide is defined as the act of killing oneself intentionally. It stems from severe depression, an illness that intervenes with the mental, physical and emotional aspect of a person.

The majority of depressed people do not actually die from suicide. But depression does trigger a higher suicidal risk. New data has reported that two percent of depressed people who have received treatment for depression in an outpatient scenario might die by suicide. Four percent of those who were treated in an inpatient hospital setting might also die by the same method. Those who have suicidal attempts before are also likely to die by suicide later on. Another research shows that 7 percent of men with a history of depression will eventually kill themselves whereas only 1 percent of women with history of depression will do.

Those who have had mood disorders commit suicide. The clinically depressed younger ones often turn to substance abuse to kill themselves.

The most common method of suicide is by the use of firearms, as it makes up the 60 percent of suicides. From a study of the National Institute of Mental Health, about 80 percent of white males commit suicide by shooting themselves. This pushes the resolve that a firearm must be removed from the home if a family member is discovered to be at risk for suicide.

The next most common method for men is hanging where as drug overdose or self-poisoning is the second most common suicidal method for the women.

Other than depression, there are other risk factors for suicide:

1. Impulsivity. There are people out who do things on a whim. If one has a gun in hand, he might shoot himself out of an impulse.

2. Traumatic life events. A death of a loved one, financial rut or other adversity might compel a person to kill him or herself.

3. History of suicide in the family. There is such a thing as "suicide contagion" in which a person is exposed to suicides and suicidal attempts often. This can become a risk factor for killing onself.

4. Family violence If one is physically or sexually abused, he or she might turn to suicide to end the ordeal.

5. Suicide attempt before He has done it before, why not do it again?

6. Alcohol and drug abuse An alcoholic or drug addict will reach a point when he will have no qualms on killing himself.

Depression is a problem that has to be uprooted to keep suicidal thoughts at bay. If a person is suicidal, it is a must that he receives professional treatment. Usually, those who are thinking of killing themselves do not know they need help.

Preventing suicide is no easy feat, either. It is in this light that a broad and extensive suicide prevention program must be established. These programs must zero in on the treatment of depression and drug abuse. Before being launched to the public, they must be scientifically assessed and tested first for effectiveness and safety. They must also be extensive and complex enough so that the effects will last a long time and eventually banish all suicidal thoughts. They must also be carried out according to the age, culture and gender of the suicidal patients.

Depression and suicide do go together, but if one works hard to combat depression thoughts of suicide will be banished.


Depression And Clinical Depression

Depression And Clinical Depression

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Today we know a lot more about depression, this disease is one of the common and dangerous mental conditions we can encounter in all societies and in all cultures, it is in fact, an across the board human situation which, in the last few years, significant achievements have been made.

The understanding of depression and the recognition that it was, in fact, a serious mental condition, has brought about many opinions and researchers to try and discover more about the causes...

depression, Clinical Depression

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Today we know a lot more about depression, this disease is one of the common and dangerous mental conditions we can encounter in all societies and in all cultures, it is in fact, an across the board human situation which, in the last few years, significant achievements have been made.

The understanding of depression and the recognition that it was, in fact, a serious mental condition, has brought about many opinions and researchers to try and discover more about the causes for depression and the ways to try and combat it. the modern ago, with psychoanalysis science and psychological research has discovered much about the human mind and spirit, and one of the most significant processes were the discovery of mental conditions that do not constitute a state of permanent mental disorder, these diseases were actually more like viruses, almost anyone had the unfortunate statistical chance of "catching" it, and everyone needed to know more about it so they could try and avoid it.

Clinical depression is a serious medical condition that affects millions of people throughout the world. Also known as major depression disorder, clinical depression is experienced by various types of people in many different walks of life. Although most people experience a few terms of sadness throughout their lives, clinical depression is more than just a case of the "blues", it is much more like a crashing force that does not let the person suffering from it to function properly, and sometimes even not function at all.

It is estimated that clinical depression affects about sixteen percent of the world population. Imagine people suffering form depression 200 years ago, even 500 years ago, without proper understanding of this condition, many people throughout history have been outcastes and rejected from society just because of a case of depression.

According to most studies, the average onset of a typical case occurs in the late 20s. Gender also plays a role; nearly twice as many females as males report or receive treatment for depression, though this difference seems to shrink after women reach the age of fifty, when most females have gone through menopause. Depression is currently the leading cause of disability in the United States and is expected to become the second leading cause of disability worldwide in the next twenty years or so.

If you have ever seen a person that suffers from depression you are surely aware of the dangers or having this condition, life, with all its wonderful attributes is covered, and all that remains to a person with depression is the empty feeling of sadness, something this person can not just "snap out of", even for a second, depression is a very serious thing, and we should all try to and know more about it.

There are many different signs and symptoms of depression. Some of these may include an overwhelming feeling of loss, anxiety, or pessimism, a rapid gain or loss in weight, disturbances in sleep patterns, fatigue, self-harm, and suicidal tendencies. It is advised that if you, or anyone you know, is experiencing these symptoms or symptoms similar to these, you should contact a mental health professional or support group. They may be able to help.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and Anxiety

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Depression and anxiety often occur at the same time. Why this can happen and how to treat it.

depression, anxiety, bipolar depression, manic depression

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Depression and anxiety appear to be two different emotional responses humans are capable of having.  We do not usually associate these two disorders with each other. But research has shown that depression and anxiety do in fact co-exist, much to the detriment of their sufferers.

When you picture someone with depression you think of all the normal symptoms associated with it: Despair, hopelessness, anger, fatigue, an unwillingness to be a part of society and a feeling of being overwhelmed by everyday life. A depressed person withdraws into themselves and seek to sever all ties with the outside world.

Anxiety attacks on the other hand seem to happen for no reason at all. Feelings of fear and panic happen in situations in which most people would be perfectly calm. These anxiety attacks come on suddenly with no warning and with no outright reason for them to happen. After awhile a sufferer of these attacks begins to live in fear of the attacks themselves, wondering when the next one is going to happen. Before long, and without treatment, both anxiety attacks and depression can begin to affect the sufferers lives in negative ways by not allowing them to hold a job, have a relationship, or even go out into society

What many sufferers of these two diseases do not realize is that either one can lead to the other.  Being depressed can weigh heavily on the mind leading the depressed person through a maze of different emotions. This in itself can lead to anxiety and eventually panic attacks. Panic attacks signify a loss of control and when this happens more and more often the sufferer can become depressed with their situation of not knowing if and when the next attack will occur.

Why these two disorders seem to occur at the same time is still largely unknown. But many studies show that major depression is often accompanied by an anxiety disorder. Both are likely caused by an imbalance in brain chemistry, but exactly why the two seemingly opposite disorders can coexist in the same person is not completely understood. What is understood about anxiety disorder is that the fight-or-flight reaction in the brain does not work the way it is supposed to. It can go off at any time, even in seemingly peaceful situations. Those who have anxiety disorder always feel that they are in danger.

One thing that psychologist agree on is that having a combination depression and anxiety is much more debilitating than having just one or the other. It can take patients with both disorders a much longer amount of time to resolve their depression which makes treating them much harder. It has also been shown that people who suffer from anxiety and depression both have a much higher suicide rate.

While this sounds bad their are options for treating both these conditions. Anti-depressant medications can be used to treat both depression and anxiety. When these medications are used in conjunction with behavioral therapy there is a high success rate of treating depression accompanied by anxiety.


Depression - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment options

Depression - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment options

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The main symptom of depression is sadness or low mood level, but many other mental and physical symptoms also occur. Here are symptoms, causes and treatment options explained.


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Depression is a complex of psychological and physical symptoms. Low mood level or sadness is often the most prominent symptom. The common property of these symptoms is a decreased activity level in parts of the brain.


Depression may give one or more of these symptoms:

-Low mood level or sadness.
-Lack of joy or interest in activities that were joyful before.
-Feel of guilt of something without any substantial reason to feel so.
-Inferiority thoughts.
-Slowness in the thought process.
-Slowness in interpreting sensorial stimuli.
-Slowness of digestion or other internal physical processes, and symptoms caused by this slowness, for example inflated stomach, constipation or difficulties by urination.
-Slow physical reactions.

Depression can be a mild disease that only causes some annoyance in the daily life, but can also get very serious and make a person totally unable to work and unable to participate in social life. By depression of some severity, there is also a greater risk of suicide.

Depression can occur in all age classes. In teenagers lack of interest in school work, withdrawal from social life and difficult mood can be signs of depression.


By depression there is a decreased amount of neurotransmitters in parts of the central nervous system, mainly deficiency of serotonin, but also to some extend of noradrenalin, acetylcholine, dopamine or gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA), or the nerve cells do not react properly by stimulation from neurotransmitters. A neurotransmitter is a signal substance that transmits the nerve signal through the junctions between two nerve cells.

Serotonin and noradrenalin cause nerve cells to send impulses along to other nerve cells, and thus increase the activity in the brain. Deficiency of these substances causes slowness in parts of the brain, and that again causes the depressive symptoms.

The role of GABA is the opposite, namely to slow down some nerve impulses, mainly those causing anxiety and panic response.   Lack of GABA causes higher anxiety and easier panic response. Yet, lack of this transmitter also seems to cause depressive symptoms. This is because a too high activity in some brain processes may slow down other processes.

There are many causes and subtypes of depression with different physiological mechanisms involved.


Depression is often divided into subtypes according to exhibited symptoms.

1. Mono-polar depression and dysthymic disorder 

By mono-polar depression there are pure depressive symptoms.  Mild cases of mono-polar disorder that do not affect a persons ability to work and to participate in social activities are often called dysthymic disorder.


2. Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive disease) and cyclothymic disorder

In this condition there are periods with symptoms of depression - the depressive phase, alternating with periods of elevated mood level with increased mental and physical activity - the manic phase. In the manic phase, the affected person also sleeps poorly and has concentration difficulties.  A mild form of this disease is called cyclothymic disorder.

3. Manic disorder

This condition is characterized by abnormally elevated mood, by unrealistic optimism, by lack of sleep and by hyperactive behaviour. Many psychiatrists think that this disorder is simply the same disease as bipolar disorder where the depressive face has not yet occurred.

4. Depression with mainly physical symptoms

Sometimes the physical symptoms of depression are alone or dominant, as for example: Digestive problems, constipation, difficulties with urination, slow response to sensorial stimuli or slow physical reactions.


Two or more factors can have an effect simultaneously to cause depression. Depression can be an independent disease, or a part of other disease. Depression is also divided into different subtypes according to cause.

1. Reactive depression

This disease is simply a result from psychological stress, physical struggle or mental straining without proper rest or sleep over a long time period. The straining will simply wear out the nervous system or deplete the organism from nutrient necessary for the nervous system to work properly.

2. Endogenous depression

When there has not been any period of stress, straining or lack of rest that can explain the condition, the condition is often called endogenous depression. Inheritance is thought to be a part of the cause.

3. Depression by physical disease

Depression or depressive symptoms may be a symptom of physical disease. This is perhaps the most common cause of depression. Generally there are three categories of diseases that give depression:

Diseases often associated with depression are: Heart disease, Parkinson's disease, stroke, hypertension or Cushing's syndrome.

Mononucleosis or flu may trigger depression that continues after the infection has gone.

By lack of thyroid hormones, hypothyroidism, the metabolism in the whole body is slowed down, including the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. Therefore depression is an important symptom of hypothyroidism.

4. Depressive symptoms as a consequence of unsound lifestyle

A general unsound lifestyle with too less exercise, too much of stimulants like alcohol, coffee or tea, too less of important nutrient and too much of sugar and fat may give depressive symptoms, as well as physical problems.

5. Postnatal depression

Women will often have a period of depression after pregnancy and berth of the baby Pregnancy and berth is physically and mentally exhausting, and may drain the body for nutrient. This in turn can cause depressive symptoms

6. Seasonal affective disorder

Depression can occur in cold and dark periods of the year and go away in warm and light periods. Light stimulates brain activity, and lack of light is a causative factor.


Serious or prolonged depression is often treated with anti-depressive medication. Medicines used against depression generally increase the level of neurotransmitters like serotonin in the central nervous system, or they mimic the neurotransmitters.
The medications mostly used today increase the serotonin concentration by decreasing the removal of serotonin from the space around nerve cells. Examples of this medication type are: Fluoxetine (Prozac), fluvoxamine (Luvox), paroxetine (Paxil), escitalopram (Lexapro, Celexa), sentraline (zoloft).
By bipolar disorder in the manic face, heavy tranquilizers (neuroleptica) are used to stop the manic symptoms.  By bipolar disorder, lithium salts are sometimes used to stabilize the condition, and prevent new outbreak of depressive or manic faces.
Psychotherapy is sometimes used by depression, usually in combination with medication.
Sometimes serious depression is treated by applying electric shock through the head, electroconvulsive therapy. The shock induces epileptic eruption of nerve signals through the brain and this gives cramps throughout the body. The cramps are alleviated or stopped by applying anaesthesia before the electroshock. This form of treatment is controversial, since it can cause memory loss and is suspected of causing brain damage. The possibility of brain damage is however denied by most psychiatrists.
By seasonal depression, light therapy maybe useful.
Adjustment of lifestyle should always be considered by depression or depressive symptoms. Lifestyle measures can sometimes be enough to cure depressive symptoms before a serious depression develop. Lifestyle adjustments can be:

- To slow down a stressful life with too much work or activities.
- Enough rest and sleep.
- A good diet with enough of necessary nutrients.
- Some physical exercise.
- Meditation.
- Supplement of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, lecithin, amino acids and essential fatty acids.
- Stimulants like coffee or tea may help against depressive feelings in moderate amount. However, if you are a heavy user of these stimulants, you should cut down on your consumption.

There exist nutritional products in the marked to help against depressive symptoms. These contain ingredients that the brain uses as building blocks for neurotransmitters, for example amino acids and lecithin. They also often contain vitamins and minerals that the brain uses as tools to produce neurotransmitters, especially vitamin B6.

Supplements may further contain herbal extracts that trigger higher brain activity much like anti-depressive medications, but may have fewer side effects.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Depression: SAD Because Of Winter

Depression: SAD Because Of Winter

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Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a kind of depression caused by the effect of the change of seasons as early as August or September in men and women and may be recognized by things as simple as eating or sleeping more during winter than the rest of the year.

depressions treatments

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Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a kind of depression caused by the effect of the change of seasons as early as August or September in men and women and may be recognized by things as simple as eating or sleeping more during winter than the rest of the year.

The National Institute of Health realized about this disorder during the 1970s although it has existed for centuries. This entity realized about SAD after have asked people if they noticed they were eating and sleeping more over winter.

Experts and new research discovered that the best way to fight this disorder is to add cognitive behavior therapy or "talk therapy" to the mix of using anti-depressant drugs and light therapy, the traditional approaches to treat SAD.

SAD symptoms are not only winter blues and subtle changes in eating and sleeping but also cravings for sweets and starches, fatigue, irritability, social withdrawal and depression, changes which disappear during spring and summer.

Although there are many theories about SAD, experts highlight that production of melatonin, a sleep hormone related to depression, may increase over winter. Meanwhile, the amount of serotonin, which is a brain chemical triggered by sunlight, is thought to increase with the lack of sunlight.

As there is evidence that light intensity and temperature also may play a role in developing SAD the related depression can vary.  It is also known that the percentage of people with affective disorder increases with increasing latitude, as shorter days seem to trigger symptoms.

There exist several ways to treat SAD and experts think that the first approach should be light therapy. But patients with seasonal depression may respond better to treatment when the therapy is combined with medication.


Depression - Finding The "Write" Solution!

Depression - Finding The "Write" Solution!

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Most of us feel depressed or "down" at sometime in our lives but, fortunately, it`s usually short lived. Some people, however, are unable to shake off their feeling of depression and are diagnosed as "Clinically Depressed". Many types of pills and drugs are prescribed but they often lead to addiction in addition to depression, thus creating a never ending downward spiral. Thousands, and possibly millions, of patients are convinced they`ll never recover which only adds to thei...

depression, anxiety, help, sad

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Most of us feel depressed or "down" at sometime in our lives but, fortunately, it`s usually short lived. Some people, however, are unable to shake off their feeling of depression and are diagnosed as "Clinically Depressed". Many types of pills and drugs are prescribed but they often lead to addiction in addition to depression, thus creating a never ending downward spiral. Thousands, and possibly millions, of patients are convinced they`ll never recover which only adds to their sense of low-self esteem. Today, people suffering from depression seek alternative remedies such as acupuncture and various therapies. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most popular as it encourages people to view their problems from a different perspective. It is one of the most successful therapies but not always available on a continuos basis which is essential if the patient is to benefit. People who struggle financially can find this particular therapy difficult to obtain on an ongoing basis as their appointments may be weeks apart. Wealthier people, of course, don`t encounter such problems as they have sufficient money for private treatment. Everybody would agree this is unjust but, regrettably, life is frequently unfair.

There are other methods of coping, such as self-help groups which some people find incredibly supportive. Friends and relatives can also provide a "shoulder to cry on" but very few are able to provide long term support because they are emotionally too close to the patient. The majority of friends and relatives find it hard to be objective. Some of them even go so far as to tell those suffering from depression "to snap out of it". This is fatal as this is exactly what they want to do but are unable to do so.

One of the best ways of coping with depression is to enrol in a creative writing course. Not an obvious way of coping, it must be said, but one that can produce amazing results. People who enrol in these courses are not required to have any qualifications apart from, obviously, a desire to write.

The reason these courses are so successful lies in the fact that people who attend them have to think about matters other than their problems for a couple of hours. This concentrates the mind wonderfully and allows people to perceive things in a different way which is reminiscent of the principals of cognitive behavioral therapy. The courses cover story writing, poetry, stage, screen and radio plays plus the outlines of writing a novel. Topics include characterization, plot, dialogue plus a host of other subjects. Each and every one can offer countless ways whereby people are able to release their innermost thoughts, desires and anxieties, so relieving considerable tension. Poetry offers one of the best methods of expressing emotion which in itself is extremely cathartic. Listening to other people`s views is also particularly therapeutic as, again, this distances people who are depressed from dwelling on their troubles affording them a welcome respite. Creative writing courses really do expand the mind and leave it open to new experiences which are of tremendous benefit to anyone suffering from low self-esteem. Writing, by its very nature, depends on self expression which often helps people to understand feelings which may have been suppressed for years. This can result in a completely new outlook on life itself. It is simply a question of being receptive to new ideas but the rewards can be huge. In a nutshell, minds become focused on looking outwards, rather than inwards, when involved in the process of writing. In accomplishing such an achievement creative writing must count as one of the best treatments in helping people to overcome depression. Enrol on that course today! You`ll find it can "literally" change your life.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Depression - False Indentity

Depression - False Indentity

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False identity and depression

Depression,stress,depression,modern medicine,psychological problems,disorder,severe bipolar,siamese twins

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Who is more prone to become affected by or suffer from psychological problems? the answer nearly everyone. Depression in the United States alone has left its mark on at least 17 million adults who have experienced a bout of clinical depression at some stage. Suffering from this disorder can interrupt any plans a person may have on leading a normal life. (Depending how serious the symptoms for each patient) depression affects us all in different ways some cases more severe than others.

Serious depression needs nurturing and this can be done with medical help
What to expect if depression takes hold, well it can cause unbearable pain emotionally also expect your life to turn upside down if the depression escalates out of control. You are not on your own if you have been diagnosed with depression people around you feel your pain also therefore affected too.

Similar is bipolar disorder which is another form of depression. Bipolar was once named manic-depressive disorder, mood swings that came with bipolar differed in many ways, one being is the manic highs which were  noted as a high risk factor for self inflicted harm to the patient.

Without doubt a patients thoughts and feelings change dramatically if in possession of this psychological condition. Depression has often been mistaken with the feeling of sadness or lethargic bouts; these common symptoms do not necessarily mean this is depression they relate more to every day stress.

Stress normally withers away after a few days but if you find you are still saddened and the fatigue factor still strong and there is no sign of these symptoms easing up then seek medical help as it could be the start of depression
Unfortunately in some cases depression goes unnoticed and because of this approx two thirds of depressed patients are not receiving the right medication or treatment. Sadly this is an unfortunate predicament because with the right medical treatment approx 80% of depression sufferers will have found light at the end of the tunnel. 

Depression has been known to take lives; patients struggle to adjust to their new found way of life living with a burden that some believe are with them till eternity, a similar feeling to having a Siamese twin attached till death do us part. Well now we have modern medicines in a modern world that can help you in your separation from depression which has driven you to take on a false identity where the laughing on the outside is overpowered by all the crying within.

Just like the Siamese twins medics have now proven that with the right medical treatment they can UN-attach the attached.

Talk to someone if you have reason for concern on your health or that of someone close and let those with the knowledge on depression help you in your quest to lead a normal life once again.


Depression - Disorderly Conduct

Depression - Disorderly Conduct

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For every venomous predator namely diseases etc that takes you as prey, remember there is an antidote.

Depression,depression,illness,doctor,depressive disorder,antidote,side

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People tend to sense uncertainty to the real meaning behind the word depression, trying to determine the difference between a depressive illness to that of a miserable mood can be tricky at times. In the medical world doctors use the word depression in different terms.
Symptoms of a depressive illness and gloomy dismal feelings are very much like a duplicated source therefore a solid excuse for any confusion.

Almost anyone can suffer from depression some people see this illness as a sign of weakness, how far from the truth that is. Depression is a common ailment and is treatable. Someone who may have in the past experienced a bout of depression can expect the risk of a repeat dose.

Approx 5/10 per cent of the population has had or are suffering from depression.
They say women are more susceptible to suffer than that of the male species.

People intend to question themselves or that of others as to why more are prone to this illness than that of other people. Has it anything to do with an individual's personality.

Personality types differ greatly but this has nothing to do with why certain people in particular develop the illness. How ever there are slight risk factors that have been known (genetic factors inherited) from parents or their parents.

Mystery lurks behind why some people suffer from this illness but there are ways of identifying why it may have developed in others. Stressful events like bereavement, losing a job or even moving house can riddle you with depression.

Depression, can strike at any time just like that of the common cold. And it is clear how the brain pattern changes when a person is depressed. Modern scans of the brain have deciphered  just how hard the brain works and has found that certain parts like the front do not work as expected. It is also found that a patient has higher than what you would call normal levels of stress hormones.

Feelings experienced with depressive illness can stay with the patient for weeks sometimes running into months.

Disorderly Conduct of the brain.

This is a psychological disorder which is hard to understand due to the trail of physical side effects one being total exhaustion. Other known facts are, depressed people dream up to three times more that of the non sufferer.

Major discoveries in psychology has given us hope in having a better understanding of what depression is all about. With the outcome of recent research there are now answers to questions that have baffled a great many in the past

Standing your ground by facing up to what may be the cause behind your discomfort is a step in the right direction. If the death of a loved etc has caused the pain/sorrow then the cure is time, time heals so they say. For every venomous predator namely diseases etc that takes you as prey, remember there is an antidote.

 If you have any concerns about yourself or that of another person please talk to your local GP.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Depression, helplessness, hopelessness, mental condition, mental state


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Depression is a very serious medical condition, which needs attention.  There is a wide variety of medicines available today to help you cope with your depression.  This article briefly addresses facts about depression, but for more in depth information, visit the link below.

Depression, helplessness, hopelessness, mental condition, mental state

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Depression is a very serious matter, which does not discriminate. 
Depression doe not care what your age is, what gender you are,
or even what your race or social class is.

Depression can often make a person feel sad, helpless, hopeless,
and irritable.  It is normal for people to have these feeling
sometimes, but some people cannot just snap out of it and this is
the difference between what is normal and major depression.  It is
the determination and brutality of the emotions that determine the
mental illness of depression from normal mood changes.

We are going to talk about different types of depression and how
it can affect you.  Depression is an illness that affects your body,
mind, disposition, thought, sleep, energy, concentration, weight,
and much more.  Depression is not a mood, it is not a sign of
personal weakness, and it cannot be simply willed away.

Clinical depression is constant and can interfere significantly with
an individual's ability to function by emotional experiences of
sadness, loss, or passing mood states.  Clinical depression can be
devastating to all areas of a person's everyday life, including family
relationships, friendships, and the ability to work or go to school.

Bipolar disorder (manic-depression) is a mood disorder, which
means that the symptoms are abnormalities of mood.  Bipolar
disorder involves episodes of both serious mania and depression. 
Bipolar disorder can have a devastating impact on sufferer's lives
and can lead to suicide if it is not treated.

Major depression is a more common illness, the symptoms of which
are mainly those of 'low' mood.


Several things can cause depression; one of the causes can be
attributed to a deficiency of certain neurotransmitters in the brain
that signal from one nerve cell to another.  The immune system of
a depressed person is usually very low and therefore ineffectively
responding to diseases, including cancer.  The everyday stressors
faced by Americans have simply become too much for many to
bear, and reasonably so.  In recent years, taking an anti-anxiety
medication or anti-depressant has become as common as taking a

How to Alleviate

Two amino acids are known to alleviate depression in many
persons.  They are tyrosine and L-phenylalanine.  The two amino
acids are a natural precursor of certain neurotransmitters.</p>

You can't afford what?

<p>Perhaps the only thing worse than depression is having
depression and not being able to afford treatment.  Needy Meds is
a website that offers all the information you need to get your meds
free, just click the name of your drug in the list on the left side of
the page.

The Medicine Program is for people who do not have insurance and
do not qualify for government programs you may qualify to enroll in
a privately sponsored program.  They do charge a $5 processing
fee but the medications themselves are free.  Volunteers staff this
organization and the processing fee covers their expenses.  This
company will contact the drug manufacturer on your behalf, or you
can choose to contact the drug companies themselves.
Free Samples - Often pharmaceutical companies provide physicians
with free samples.  Ask your doctor is he/she has any samples on
hand of your medication. 



Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Decisions in Healing the Hidden Self

Decisions in Healing the Hidden Self

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Decisions also determine our faith in the process of healing the hidden self. We must make the right decisions to assist us with self-healing. The problem is we do not always weigh out the decisions we make. For this reason, we all must take time to think through our decisions before acting on them.

By thinking carefully and attentively through your decisions, you can make sound choices that will pu...

decisions, work, hidden, mind, meditation, assist, practice, healing, conceptions, way, heal hidden, healing hidden, thinking, heal, reform, sound, th

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What should I do? Should I invite my friends over for a party? We all have to make decisions. Our decisions determine in most instances the results. If you invite your friends over for a party for example, and intend to drink alcohol beverages knowing that tomorrow you have to work. Are you ready to face the consequences?

We can learn to make good decisions by examining the consequences of our choices. If you know that you must work tomorrow, why take a chance on partying the night before when we all know parties can get out of hand. If you can regulate and control the time you spend at the party, then there is no problem. You can make it to work the next day with a fresh mind.

If you go over your limits, you likely will lose REM sleep, which ultimately weakens your awareness. You will find it difficult to stay focused at work.

Decisions also determine our faith in the process of healing the hidden self. We must make the right decisions to assist us with self-healing. The problem is we do not always weigh out the decisions we make. For this reason, we all must take time to think through our decisions before acting on them.

By thinking carefully and attentively through your decisions, you can make sound choices that will push you to heal the hidden self.

You want to make it a practice to think through your decisions. One of the best ways to do this is through meditation. Meditation trains your mind to think carefully. You use reflections while you ruminate through your mind. In addition, you learn to consider all angles of each choice you must make. You also use deliberation tools to contemplate or ponder over each decision you must make.

When you develop the ability to make sound decisions, the healing processes becomes easier.

Because healing of the hidden self is a long, drawn out process that is problematic in various areas, you want to build a sound mind first to work through the procedures of personal growth.

Now that you have learned the benefits of making good decisions, take some time to practice meditation each day. This technique alone will assist you with developing the characteristics you must establish to heal the hidden self.

What characteristics must I develop?
Conceptions are the first tool you will need to analyze. Since our conceptions is the starting point of our growth, start here. Develop your conceptions by analyzing your beliefs and way of thinking.

Learn some strategies to help you reform conceptions that lead you astray. Work through your perceptions once you discover and accept your conceptions. This will help you reform your way of thinking.

Most of our badness is learned from teaching. Still, the way we perceive plays a part in the outcome of our personality. It is up to us to reform this personality by depending on self, rather than others. Only our own being can take us to heal the hidden self.

Visit the Internet. Online you will find a wide arrange of products and strategies that can help you with self-healing. Look for the new age solutions, which include the latest Radionics, which will assist you with relaxation and self-development. Biofeedback is an excellent tool to use and will help you work through self-development as well. Be sure to practice meditation daily, since it will assist you with reforming the mind. Meditation alone has proven to bring great rewards to those who practice the technique often. You may also enjoy the latest Neurofeedback programs.


Deciphering Stress and Anxiety; Relieving Ourselves from the Daily Grind

Deciphering Stress and Anxiety; Relieving Ourselves from the Daily Grind

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Stress and anxiety go hand in hand. It is said that one of the major symptoms of stress is anxiety. Aside from that, it is stress that is commonly blamed for a staggering eighty percent of all illnesses either directly or indirectly.

stress and anxiety

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Stress and anxiety go hand in hand. It is said that one of the major symptoms of stress is anxiety. Aside from that, it is stress that is commonly blamed for a staggering eighty percent of all illnesses either directly or indirectly.

Stress comes from the pressures we feel in life, as we are pushed by work or any other task that puts undue pressure on our minds and body, adrenaline is released, extended stay of the hormone causes depression, a rise in the blood pressure and other negative changes and effects.

One of them is anxiety. With anxiety, fear overcomes all emotions accompanied by worry and apprehension, making a person a recluse and a bagful of jitters. Other symptoms are chest pains, dizziness, and shortness of breath and panic attacks. 

When this happens to us, we are endangering our overall health. Stress and anxiety affects many factors in our body not only in our mental state. Cancer and other deadly diseases are related to stress and anxiety because of the changes in the chemical composition in our body due to stress and anxiety.

You don't have to be a victim of stress and anxiety, its just all about discipline and having a proper schedule. Not taking in anything you cannot handle will be a lot of help. Learn your limitations and stick to it. Do not over exert yourself. Just try to go over the border an inch at a time.

You can lead a productive successful and fulfilling life and career without the need to endanger your health. If not, you are not only killing yourself, you are also sending your family and friends and all the people around you away.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dealing With Your Depression And Anxiety In The Business World

Dealing With Your Depression And Anxiety In The Business World

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It is not easy to deal with depression and anxiety in the business world. Getting help from a professional should be the first thing you do if you deal with depression. Many companies nowadays have different programs for their employees. Talk to your Human Resources Representative on a confidential basis and ask if your employer has any such programs.

If your place of work doesn't have any programs then ask your doctor or local mental health clinic. Help is available if yo...



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It is not easy to deal with depression and anxiety in the business world. Getting help from a professional should be the first thing you do if you deal with depression. Many companies nowadays have different programs for their employees. Talk to your Human Resources Representative on a confidential basis and ask if your employer has any such programs.

If your place of work doesn't have any programs then ask your doctor or local mental health clinic. Help is available if you look hard enough.

With the help of a professional, evaluate the source of your depression. Knowing what is causing your depression can go a long way. Once you know why you are feeling depressed, then it is easier to find the ways to overcome it.

A good way to manage your depression is to learn how to deal with your negative thinking. If you get thoughts that make your fearful or anxious, challenge those thoughts with positive statements. Try to minimize the fear behind the thought by thinking of something positive or constructive.

When we worry or get depressed, we tend to worry on exaggerated assumptions.  Sometimes our exaggerated ideas can make us worry even more. Remember to get all of the facts of your current circumstances. Getting the facts can make us aware of what is reality and what is not. Before you worry about something, get the necessary information on your situation. Don't assume anything.

Take things one at a time. Do not look too far ahead. Next week or next month will take care of itself.

Your not alone in dealing with depression and anxiety. If you have such a problem, you can take steps to solve your current problem. They key is to get help from a counselor and to be persistent in finding the ways that will get rid of your anxiety and depression. Remember that there is hope. Eventually you or the person who is struggling will eventually get better.


Dealing with Depression: Missing a few meals can help.

Dealing with Depression: Missing a few meals can help.

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When dealing with depression, the normal route most people take is to seek the use of depression medication. However, a way more effective approach for depression help may lie in simply missing a few meals. How so? Well, my friend, read on for your enlightenment.

Dealing with Depression

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Who doesn't go through problems in life? From the worry of bills to be paid, traffic, work, taking care of our families. Gosh…the demands of modern-day life seem so overwhelming. It's no wonder several people are left dealing with depression in a quest to cope with these burdens.

Sometimes, these demands of life may aggravate strong emotions within us such as worry, fear, rage, hopelessness. Coincidentally, these are all symptoms of depression and as a consequence, dealing with depression remains a task that most of us have to undertake on a daily basis.

However, one very overlooked method of depression help and coping with its symptoms is quite simply a fast. It's as old as the mountains and perhaps nothing comes close to restoring one's emotional balance when dealing with depression as this powerful tool.

An observance of nature will show us that when animals are frightened or angered, they abstain from eating until after the passage of some time. Moreover, it is true that under stressful circumstances many civilized people refrain from eating and find in truth that they lack the desire for food, but it is also too often that most of us will eat large meals under these circumstances, which will be mostly disease forming foods to start with, that as a consequence, complicates or altogether halts an already retarded ongoing digestion.

This considered, perhaps the last thing you may want to do while dealing with depression-be it its causes or symptoms is to eat excessively, I may go as far as to say to even eat at all.

Worry, fear, anxiety, excitement, hurry, heated arguments at meals: all prevent the secretion of the digestive enzymes of the body and hinder not only digestion, but the whole nutrition process.

Perhaps, this is why according to the Bible, when most people were in grief or needed to be atoned with the Creator, they fasted. When used as a tool for dealing with depression, if combined with a powerful and faith driven prayer, fasting, my friends really unleashes the mental powers within us to solve our problems. It makes us come closer to our potential as true images of the Most High, and we can as a result see and think clearer as a step for a powerful and effective depression control method.

Fasting as a means of dealing with depression also greatly benefits one's overall health as during its use, the digestive organs are given a rest. Moreover, the mind clears allowing for a disappearance of all moroseness. We re-discover peace of mind and tranquility and life's difficulties are not as overwhelming.

So when problems seem to weigh in on us, when dealing with depression becomes an almost daily struggle for us, perhaps from all the indications above, the best thing to do will be to undertake a fast. It definitely won't hurt and can help immensely.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Dealing With Depression

Dealing With Depression

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Depression is something that affects most people around the world from time to time and can be very hard to deal with. I have myself struggled with this problem in the past but have lately found ways to cope with this very much unwanted depression. I will write about how I go about doing this in this article.

depression, Iraq, kidnapped, police, uniforms, family, born, worrier, stressed, unhappy, horror

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Depression is something that affects most people around the world from time to time and can be very hard to deal with. I have myself struggled with this problem in the past but have lately found ways to cope with this very much unwanted depression. I will write about how I go about doing this in this article.

I have been born into a family which include many members who find it hard to cope with life and are often worrying about something or other. I am one of these people and there does not seem to be a day that goes by where I do not have some issue in my mind, that is making me unhappy or stressed. I have found it very difficult to appreciate all of the things in my life which are basically good as my brain only seems to focus on all of my problems or potential problems.

In the last couple of years I have tried to deal with these what I now call challenges and have attempted to focus more on the positive aspects to my life. This has been very hard for me to do as I am a born worrier by nature as I have already explained.

What I now have decided to do is to try to compare my own life with that of other people who live around the world. As an example, in the last couple of days I have been watching the news programs on the television and have been hearing in horror about the current situation in Iraq. I am sure most readers of this article will be aware of what is going on in Iraq but a couple of events have really shocked me.

The first was a roadblock that was set up by people who were dressed up in police uniform. These people stopped a number of vehicles and dragged out the people who were in the vehicles, onto the street. They included young and old, men and women from what I have heard. Twenty one of them were shot and killed. I can only imagine how frightening this would have been.

The second event took place only the next day when fifty people were taken from their place of work and from bus stops. They were basically kidnapped and taken away in a number of vehicles. I am not sure what has happened to them since and can only hope that they are OK. This again is very disturbing and would have been a horrible ordeal for the people involved.

I am no expert on the situation in Iraq or why all of these things are taking place. I also have no idea on how things can be improved, but something needs to happen to help these people.

For me it shows me that I am very fortunate and if I ever start feeling a bit low, I then think of the people who live in Iraq and also people who live in other countries. I am sure that most of these people would love to swap places with me and if I tried to explain to them why I was starting to feel a little depressed, they would probably laugh at me.


Counteract Anxiety Attacks

Counteract Anxiety Attacks

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Sometimes life is hard and can cause you to feel out of control. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Things are going well for a while and then it seems like out of no where comes something hard and unexpected that throws you into an anxiety attack? I have had this experience all too many times in my adult life, but it wasn't until recently that I began to be aware of the symptoms before they hit so that I could counteract the anxiety attacks.

Anxiety attacks are brou...

anxiety attacks

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Sometimes life is hard and can cause you to feel out of control. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Things are going well for a while and then it seems like out of no where comes something hard and unexpected that throws you into an anxiety attack? I have had this experience all too many times in my adult life, but it wasn't until recently that I began to be aware of the symptoms before they hit so that I could counteract the anxiety attacks.

Anxiety attacks are brought on by many different things and can affect people in vastly different ways. An event that may send someone into an anxiety attack may be handled with ease by another person. There is no telling what will or will not cause an anxiety attack to occur. We can, however, learn our own bodies and responses so that we can be better prepared when anxiety attacks occur.

For me, anxiety attacks seem the most likely when I am dealing with health issues with myself or my family. For some reason, I have always felt anxious about health related issues and potential health problems in the people I care about most. My husband, on the other hand, takes health related issues in stride yet finds himself dealing with anxiety attacks over financial issues that threaten our family. I am so thankful that while anxiety attacks are a normal part of life, that not everyone deals with them the same or gets them at the same time. Can you even imagine a world like that?

I have learned myself pretty well over the years, so that now I know how to counteract anxiety attacks. The biggest thing that I need to do is to get away and get alone. This could mean walking into another room or getting outside for a walk or run. I know that my anxiety attacks are made worse when I am forced to deal with them in front of people. Another key for me in counteracting anxiety attacks is to get active. Taking time regularly to exercise is one of the best methods of stress control and hence anxiety attack prevention for me. The more active I am, the less the little things seem to stress me out.

Figure out the things that cause anxiety attacks in you and look for good ways to counteract them. Your life will be a lot more manageable if you can learn to take things in stride and to not let small things lead to big anxiety attacks. Talk with a doctor or a counselor for more advice.


Coping with Anxiety

Coping with Anxiety

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This article provides information about how to cope up with anxiety. It also gives information about symptoms and treatments of anxiety.

Anxiety, Anxiety treatment, symptoms, Anxiety disorders

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Anxiety is a part of everyone's life. There are different ways of dealing with different of anxiety owing different causes. Proper treatment and support can help a person to deal with their anxiety in a better way and making living with it better. And with time one can find himself or herself free from the majority of their issues.
Causes and types

Anxiety is mainly of two types. One type is that type of anxiety with which you can deal and the other type is worsened form of anxiety which leaves a mark on your personality. The first type of anxiety is easy to deal with. Support from your near and dear ones can help you to come out of your anxiety or you can always deal with it on your own, without needing any support. But the second type of anxiety requires some effort to make living easy. The first thing that is needed to be done is to determine which the type of your anxiety is and then find out the root cause of it. 
Causes for anxiety can be external as well. So in order to deal with your anxiety in a better way you need to find out whether your anxiety is caused due to an external factor or not. Any bitter incident which took place in your past life can be the cause or sometimes it can be an indistinct intuition that something is not right but if your anxiety is due to some external factors then you should work towards dealing with it. However there is no obvious external cause for anxiety reactions to life.

Studies are still conducted to find out the cause of anxiety in people who don't have any reasonable past traumatic experience which could lead to anxiety. People with deep rooted anxiety may have chemical imbalances in their brains for improper registration of neuro chemicals. However you should be aware that it is not a proven fact with any concrete evidence. A relatively new study conducted in 2005 showed that it is possible to do a normal blood test to find out the chemicals present in the brain which can cause anxiety.   


More or less all the anxiety symptoms are quite well known because over the years people have experienced anxiety. The usual symptoms are prolific sweating, 'lump in the throat', palpitations, twitching, dry mouth, chest pain and shortness of breath or wheezing. However these symptoms can exist as side effects of some other medicines or some other psychological issues. When linked to a phobia, as opposed to being 'general' anxiety disorder, the symptoms normally only happen in reaction to explicit stimuli. 

Groups like Toastmasters International helps you with specific anxieties that have not yet reached a weakening stage. After you notice the anxiety symptoms in yourself you must consult a psychiatrist or a professional health professional.
A qualified mental health professional can assess your anxiety, diagnose your psychological issues, and plan a course of treatment that suits you best. If you detect that your anxiety is reaching a bad stage then at once you must seek advice from your doctor. So that there are full chances of your recovery. If you have full support from your family and from all those people who understands you can help you treating your anxiety. Thus you can cope with anxiety in a better way and your recovery will be quick and complete. 

Journaling, therapy, group sessions, or medication are the various methods of treatment. However cognitive-behavioral therapy is the most common type of therapy. In this kind of treatment the mental health professional aids the patient in shagging the ways of thinking that contribute to the cause of anxiety. The professional then introduce the patient to the situations that helps in controlling their anxiety. Common types of medication include anxiolytics such as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are the common medicines and also tricyclic anti-depressants, though these days those are prescribed less often.  It is seen that over 90% of patients get recovered by availing these treatment options.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Consciousness in Healing the Hidden Self

Consciousness in Healing the Hidden Self

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The acts of self-consciousness and self-control go hand in hand. The fact is that when we are self-conscious we are better able to exhibit self-control. There are many persons out there that are not self aware or conscious of themselves and they are not in control of their emotions and actions. Being self-aware is important as it can affect or self-development and progression through life. It is crucial that we are able to be aware of all that we do and say and know that these th...

self-control, meditation, process, self-aware, self-awareness, persons, control, affect, assist, self-awareness self-control, ways, self-development

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The acts of self-consciousness and self-control go hand in hand. The fact is that when we are self-conscious we are better able to exhibit self-control. There are many persons out there that are not self aware or conscious of themselves and they are not in control of their emotions and actions. Being self-aware is important as it can affect or self-development and progression through life. It is crucial that we are able to be aware of all that we do and say and know that these things will affect circumstances as well. Being self-conscious is not always a bad thing as we like to think but if we relate it to being self-aware, we see the benefits.

If we are self-aware, it is less likely that we will act on impulse. It is more likely the case that we will be ready and able to assess a situation properly and show self-control in deciding how to approach the situation. The self-awareness that we possess will therefore directly affect our self-control. It is crucial that we are able to become self-aware persons in order to grab control of our emotions and actions. This can be done in many ways but these depend on the will power of the individual involved and the desire to take control of their lives.

Some of the ways to move the process to self-awareness and self-control along include the need for professional assistance. There are many programmes that offer techniques to assist in this process. These are offered by many self-development persons and are a good start if we do not have the time or will power to devote to the process on our own. We may not make the time unless we are enrolled in a class or unless we are motivated externally to do so. In these cases, the programmes can be a great starting point.

If we do have some self-control then it is good to try the other option of working on self-awareness and control on our own. There are many persons that have highlighted the great benefits of the use of meditation. This can assist the individual greatly as it leads the exploration into self and opens the awareness that is needed for better self-control. Meditation has numerous benefits to its users aside from these. It has been reputed to be of assistance in stress relief and the prevention of more serious illnesses such as heart disease and many more. The relaxing effect of meditation and the exploration into self-are able to translate to a better awareness overall and better self control.

The downside of meditation is that it can take a while to reap benefits and there are often persons that will become bored with the process and not give the method the required time to assist them. Meditation is not an overnight fix by any means and can take months and years of dedication for you to achieve all the results. The meditation process requires quiet and peace, which can often be hard for many of us to source. Not all these challenges however stop the fact that it is one of the best ways to grasp control of self and become more self-aware.

There are other factors that can assist and that can lead you down the road to better self-awareness and self-control. There is a lot of information available in self-development sites that show you the importance of self-awareness and self-control to your life. These are things that can greatly affect the quality of your life and should not be disregarded.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Climbing Out Of Depression

Climbing Out Of Depression

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One man is scaling each continent's tallest mountain to heighten global awareness of depression.

Climbing Out Of Depression

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One man is scaling each continent's tallest mountain to heighten global awareness of depression.

Twenty years after the suicide death of his father, mountain climber Joe Lawson formed Expedition Hope to help raise awareness of depression and the risks of letting the illness go untreated.

Lawson's father battled depression his entire life, until he decided to put an end to his suffering when Joe was just 16 years old. After struggling to understand his father's suicide, Lawson developed an interest in mountain climbing and has since traveled the world in search of new adventures and personal challenges. One of these personal challenges includes Lawson's attempt to climb the highest mountain on each of the seven continents.

Up to 19 million Americans suffer from depressive disorders, including major depression. Although it is one of the most frequently seen psychiatric disorders in the primary-care setting, it often goes undiagnosed or is under-treated. This may be because depressed patients often discuss their physical symptoms rather than emotional complaints. In fact, in one study about 70 percent of patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD) presented with only physical complaints. Pain is present in approximately 45 to 75 percent of patients with MDD, and can include headache, back, shoulder and abdominal pain.

"My father's depression left him feeling isolated and estranged, making it hard for him to seek help and talk about his condition," said Lawson. "Had he had the proper treatment, his life might have been saved."

With the help of Eli Lilly and Company, Lawson began his journey last May by climbing Alaska's Mt. McKinley, the highest peak in North America. However, after injuring his knee while on the mountain, Lawson had to turn back. Instead of giving up, Lawson went on to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, in September 2005, and Mt. Kosciusko, the highest peak in Australia, in November 2005.

"Like mountain climbing, persons suffering from depression may face extreme challenges, but help, treatment, and relief from symptoms are attainable with appropriate assistance," said Lawson.

This year, Lawson will attempt to summit Mt. Elbrus, the highest peak in Russia, and Mt. Vinson Massif, the highest peak in Antarctica.


Childhood depression: What to do if your Child is depressed.

Childhood depression: What to do if your Child is depressed.

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Childhood depression, not unlike adult depression, is a disorder that shouldn't be taken lightly. Learn the causes and symptoms of depression in children and what you can do if your child suffers from depression.

childhood depression

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Like adults, children can suffer from depression, in this case: childhood depression. It's not uncommon and since children actually are the purest of humans, it might be safe to say if a child is depressed-and they actually tell you that-it's a rather serious issue.

One of the most common misconceptions about childhood depression is:"what do children have to be depressed about?". Perhaps this reveals a few misunderstandings about childhood depression and what it is. It is indeed quite similar to clinical depression-borrowing from medical terminology and is not just down moods resulting from a child being 'depressed' cause they have just been punished or have been told they can't have something. No, childhood depression is more intrusive into the child's very existence, may be long-lasting and if not attended to life threatening.

Perhaps another misconception may have to do with us thinking, being a child is a care-free, trouble free stage of human life. Not necessarily, with peer acceptance, school and family expectations, it is enough to make a kid worry and could be a huge factor to be considered in regards to dealing with a case of childhood depression.

Other Causes of Childhood Depression:

1. Family History of Mental illness or suicide.
2. Abuse (physical, emotional or sexual)
3. Chronic illnesses.
4. Loss of a parent at an early age to death, divorce or abandonment.
5. Improper diet and lack of sufficient exercise.
6. Excessive exposure to negative factors such as parents arguing, bad neighborhoods etc
7. Insufficient parental attention.

Though this is not a conclusive list of the causes of depression in children, perhaps these factors are the most common ones.

Symptoms of Childhood Depression:

1. Loss of interest in hobbies and activities
2. Abrupt change in Appetite
3. Change in sleep patterns (either increase or decrease).
4. Difficulty concentrating.
5. Making depreciating statements like "I'm not good enough, I'm stupid…"
6. Persistent Sadness.
7. Recurring thoughts of Suicide
8. Excessive clinging or withdrawal
If you notice any of these in your child's behaviour it may be time to seek help. But, keep in mind, the first step may be a good heart to heart talk with your child.

Reconnect with them. Make plans for a getaway saying things like "How about you and I go to the park, just the two of us eh?". Now seize this time to carefully see what could be the problem.

Also, borrowing from Yoga principles (Natural Healing as well), now will be a good time to assess your entire families diet.  Remember, "you are what you eat". Diet plays, perhaps the most important role in one's health, especially children in their growing stages so all efforts should be made to 'pleasantly' enforce a proper diet. You may not have to work too hard, most kids LOVE bananas and other sweet fruits and fresh juices. Vegetables…maybe not so much, but you get my gist. Try to replace processed foods with healthier ones.

Take time out to be there for your child or at least be conscious of who he or she is around the most.  Remember children are wonderful imitators.
If you yourself happen to be depressed, I recommend drug-free alternatives such as Yoga, and the previously mentioned proper eating. Also, look into fasting albeit it short as this works wonders for restoring your emotional balance as result of the body not being taxed with the duties of digestion, assimilation and re-building. Your mind clears and all moroseness disappears and consequently, you tend to find the answers to the problems warranting a treatment for depression in the first place. Keep in mind though; this radical step is suited only for adults not necessarily for kids.

Devote thirty minutes or more a day for open air recreation for yourself and your family. Visits to the zoo, active play, and swimming tend to relieve tension created in the home, school, and work and this may go a long way in assisting in curing childhood depression in the family.
Make efforts yourself to be cheerful as much as possible as kids do mimic what their parents constantly do.

Finally, if you are of a spiritual inclination, try prayer power and introduce your child to it. Hey, the Man did say: "Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God." I believe a child connected to God is one sure way of preventing childhood depression. (Of course with the factors previously mentioned.)

Parenting or being a role model to a child is a duty that may be tasking at times, even more say when dealing with a depressed child. However with the suggestions given, if tackled properly, childhood depression need not be a thing your kid has to go through.

In friendship,

Foras Aje


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Childhood Abuse and Depression - Anxiety Lives On

Childhood Abuse and Depression - Anxiety Lives On

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Qualified today are the interlinking between childhood abuse and depression later in life. Cause and effect are not distinct but a collaboration between the "world" and the "life experience".  So be it that depression does manifest itself later in life about childhood episodes of abuse.


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It has been established that nature and nurture should not be taken as enemies or total opposites, but as two intertwined realities that function together to make up the human experience. Nature was designed for nurture.

Many recent and notable studies have documented the effects that early childhood experience can have on both the physical and chemical makeup of the brain. In particular, childhood abuse and/or neglect can permanently alter an individual's physiology. These physiological changes may lead to a greater likelihood of the person suffering from depression or anxiety later in life.

Groundbreaking results from a major study of depressed women in the US have shown that women who were abused as children have abnormally elevated hormonal responses to stress compared to women with no history of abuse. It suggests that childhood abuse is associated with persistent hyperactivity of the hormonal system associated with the stress response and this may cause greater vulnerability to psychiatric disorders in adulthood.

The study, headed by Dr. Charles Nemeroff at Emory University, looked at women diagnosed with clinical depression who had been abused as children; depressed women with no past abuse; and healthy women. Each person was given a moderately stressful experience and asked to perform simple mathematic problems aloud for a panel of stalwart non expressive judges.

Cortisol and ACTH (two hormones that play a critical role in a person's response to stress) were measured in each subject while she completed the task. It was found that the levels of these hormones were especially pronounced in women who were abused as children and who also had current depression. In fact, their ACTH response indicators were more than six times those of the healthy women.

In addition to high levels of stress hormones, other studies by the same group found that women who had been abused as children had abnormal development of the brain's hippocampus, which suggests another physical result of early abuse that could lead to permanent brain abnormalities in later life.

Other brain structures can also be affected by early abuse or neglect. While the basic unit of the brain is in place at birth, neuronal pathways for the body's reaction to different experiences are still developing.

There is a critical period of time in a child's first three years of life during which most of these pathways are formed. If a child receives primarily negative stimulation early in life, pathways for forming lasting relationships and responding to positive experiences can be stunted or destroyed. While this may be a reaction to help the child survive, it can cause permanent difficulties for the individual.

Other research shows that the brains of severely neglected children tend to be smaller than average with underdeveloped areas in the cortex. The long term implications of this are still being examined, but it shows one more way in which nurture or lack of it can affect a person's biological make-up.

The knowledge that nature and nurture are two crucial aspects to a person's health will undoubtedly prove to be a very useful tool in the research and treatment of psychiatric illness and may lead to even more effective treatments in the future.


Can Depression Be A Sign Of Something More?

Can Depression Be A Sign Of Something More?

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Have you taken more than one antidepressant but are still feeling depressed? You are not alone.

Can Depression Be A Sign Of Something More?

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Have you taken more than one antidepressant but are still feeling depressed? Are you frustrated that your depression keeps coming back? You are not alone. Many people are first told that they have depression or anxiety when, in fact, they actually have a different medical condition. Of these people, one in two will first be told they have depression, one in four will be told they have anxiety.

Why Does Your Depression Keep Coming Back?

There are a number of reasons why symptoms of depression may persist despite taking medication. One of these reasons may be because patients don't always remember to tell their doctors about all the symptoms they're experiencing. For example, patients may talk to their doctors when they feel down or depressed and are looking for relief. They may not talk about the times when they've felt really good or energetic. In fact, patients often think about these times as their "good times" or "normal times." This is important information that can help your doctor make a correct diagnosis and provide treatment that may help you feel better.

Help Your Doctor Help You

Getting a correct diagnosis is the first step to finding a treatment that is right for you. Bipolar depression is a form of depression that requires a different kind of treatment. If you have questions about bipolar depression, be sure to talk with your doctor. Several treatments, including some new medications, along with support from your doctor, can help people manage their symptoms over time.

What Is Bipolar Depression?

Bipolar depression is one part of bipolar disorder, a chronic-but treatable-illness. Sufferers usually have episodes of depression ("lows") and episodes of increased energy, racing thoughts or anxiety ("highs"). Untreated bipolar depression can affect an individual's ability to function at work, participate in social activities and maintain relationships. Getting an accurate diagnosis and the correct treatment can help patients with bipolar depression manage their symptoms and lead productive lives.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Can a Neurotransmitter imbalance be causing your mood problems??

Can a Neurotransmitter imbalance be causing your mood problems??

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Article discusses how neurotransmitter imbalances can affect your physical and mental health. Reviews new laboratory testing available to detect neurotransmitter imbalances and natural treatments for depression and other mood disorders.

Depression, serotonin, natural treatments for depression, neurotransmitters, chemical imbalance, Dopamine, GABA, natural remedies for depression, causes of depression

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Neurotransmitters are powerful chemicals that regulate numerous physical and emotional processes such as cognitive and mental performance, emotional states and pain response. Virtually all functions in life are controlled by neurotransmitters.                                                 

Interactions between neurotransmitters, hormones, and the brain chemicals have a profound influence on overall health and well-being. When our concentration and focus is good, we feel more directed, motivated, and vibrant. Unfortunately, if neurotransmitter levels are inadequate these energizing and motivating signals are absent and we feel more stressed, sluggish, and out-of-control.                                                                                                             

Disrupted communication between the brain and the body can have serious effects to ones health both physically and mentally. Depression, anxiety and other mood disorders are thought to be directly related to imbalances with neurotransmitters.Some of the more common neurotransmitters that regulate mood are Serotonin, Dopamine, and Norepinephrine.         

Serotonin imbalance is one of the most common contributors to mood problems. Some feel it is a virtual epidemic in the United States. Serotonin is key to our feelings of happiness and very important for our emotions because it helps defend against both anxiety and depression. You may have a shortage of serotonin if you have a sad depressed mood, anxiety, panic attacks, low energy, migraines, sleeping problems, obsession or compulsions, feel tense and irritable, crave sweets, and have a reduced interest in sex. Additionally, your hormones and Estrogen levels can affect serotonin levels and this may explain why some women have pre-menstrual and menopausal mood problems. Moreover, stress can greatly reduce your serotonin supplies.                                          

Dopamine and Norepinephrine are responsible for motivation, energy, interest, and drive. They are associated with positive stress states such as being in love, exercising, listening to music, and sex. These neurotransmitters are the one's that make you feel good. When we don't have enough of them we don't feel alive, we have difficulty initiating or completing tasks, poor concentration, no energy, and lack of motivation. Low neurotransmitter levels drive us to use drugs (self medicate) or alcohol, smoke cigarettes, gamble, and overeat. For many years, it has been known in medicine that low levels of these neurotransmitters can cause many diseases and illnesses. A neurotransmitter imbalance can cause Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, irritable bowel, hormone dysfunction, eating disorders, Fibromyalgia, obsessions, compulsions, adrenal dysfunction, chronic pain, migraine headaches, and even early death.
What causes neurotransmitter dysfunction?
• Prolonged periods of stress can deplete neurotransmitters levels. Our fast paced, fast food society greatly contributes to these imbalances.
• Poor Diet. Neurotransmitters are made in the body from proteins. Also required are certain vitamins and minerals called "cofactors" If your nutrition is poor and you do not take in enough protein, vitamins, or minerals to build the neurotransmitters, a neurotransmitter imbalance develops. We really do think and feel what we eat.
• Genetic factors, faulty metabolism, and digestive issues can impair absorption and breakdown of our food which reduces are ability to build neurotransmitters.
• Toxic substances like heavy metals, pesticides, drug use, and some prescription drugs can cause permanent damage to the nerves that make neurotransmitters.
• Certain drugs and substances such as caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, NutraSweet, antidepressants, and some cholesterol lowering medications deplete neurotransmitter levels leading to neurotransmitter imbalances.
• Hormone  changes cause neurotransmitter imbalances

Testing is now available to detect Neurotransmitter Imbalances.
Basing a treatment on symptoms alone (traditional medicine) will not provide the information needed to address the underlying imbalance. A visit to a doctor or practitioners office for depression involves telling them how you have been feeling emotionally. The typical depressed person leaves the office with a prescription for an antidepressant without ever having any conclusive laboratory evidence of what is causing their symptoms. New sophisticated equipment and tests are now available to evaluate neurotransmitter imbalances using a urine or blood sample. This provides a neurotransmitter baseline assessment and is useful in determining the root causes for diseases and illnesses such as those mentioned above. Laboratory analysis can now provide precise information on neurotransmitter deficiencies or overloads, as well as detect hormonal and nutrient co-factor imbalances which influence neurotransmitter production. Individuals require individual solutions. Testing helps to determine exactly which neurotransmitters are out of balance and helps to determine which therapies are needed for an individualized treatment plan.  It also helps in monitoring the effectiveness of an individual's treatment.             

Nutrient therapies greatly increase the levels of neurotransmitters that a person has been found to be deficient in. Studies have shown that it is both safe and effective. These nutrients will cross the blood brain barrier into the brain where they will be synthesized into neurotransmitters and this will raise the number of neurotransmitter molecules needed by the brain. They are prescribed according to the results of laboratory testing giving the imbalanced person a more individualized plan of treatment. 

Prescription drugs such as antidepressants do not increase the overall number of neurotransmitter molecules in your brain, they merely move them around or stop the breakdown. If your levels are too low to start with, medication may work initially, then "poop out" or not work from the beginning. There is also the issue of side-effects and more recently the FDA warning that SSRI antidepressants could cause suicidal thoughts in some children, teens and adults.
There are specialized nutrient formulas which help antidepressant medications work more effectively. Under the supervision of a trained practitioner these treatments may be used in addition to the persons existing medication to boost their effectiveness or to target another neurotransmitter that is also causing symptoms. Many antidepressant or anti-anxiety medications just target one neurotransmitter but many mental health disorders involve multiple neurotransmitters.


Building Self Confidence

Building Self Confidence

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The very first step is to accept yourself – lovingly. No person in the world in perfect so why bother to shed tears over your imperfectness. This is how God wanted us to be – Imperfect! We might have something that someone else may lack and someone else might be endowed with the qualities, which we lack. This incompleteness makes us go out and seek companions who make us feel loved, wanted and complete. Oh what a great feeling! Would we experience it if we were inside the cocoon of our perfection? Never! So accept yourself the way you are. It will free your mind of a heavy baggage of unnecessary worries. You will instantly feel light and cheerful.

building self confidence, feel better, physically, mentally, diet, atkins, confidence level

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Liberate yourself - Go out and do what you like! - How long it has been since you last went to have a walk among the pines – something that you loved as a child? How long has it been when you walked hand in hand with your friend to the bakery and tossed a coin to decide what to buy? These might seem very simple things but these simple things have the power to add on to build great confidence and fulfilment. Life if see is actually quite simple. What gets a bit too complex though is to remain simple. Isn't it? Just as small drops of water make the mighty ocean, the little things you enjoy doing have the capability to turn you into a storehouse of confidence. When God made you, He put a desire in your heart and bestowed onto you the capability to achieve it. However, in the process of growing up, you forgot what exactly your purpose was, what is that you liked and what is that you enjoyed doing. It does happen with lots and lots of people who do feel like breaking free but are too tied up in their day to day responsibilities that it gets impossible for them to spare even 10 minutes to reflect on their lives, their direction, their dreams and goals. It's our duty to clear the mess that prevents us from hearing to our heart. The conversations with your heart should keep getting clearer and the best way to do it is to find time to do what you enjoy. And since you enjoy doing that activity, it straightaway means that you have all the aptitude and intelligence necessary to do the job effortlessly even though you may not realize it.

Find your flock - Birds of a feather flock together. You must find out people with whom you enjoy being. They are certainly the people of your frequency and the energy flow between you and them is natural. Life becomes easy when you are among the people who are more or less on the same plane of thought as you and it's easier to relate to them. They seem to understand you and vice versa thus creating conditions for healthy conversations. A good conversation is a very healthy exercise and an important need of our mind. We all want our ideas to be heard and appreciated and a good company provides platform for the same.

Set Achievable Goals and Go for it! - The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The idea is to begin with a small single step that can then further developed into giant strides. Learn to do the work at hand rather than to overwhelm oneself by looking at the entirety of a mammoth looking task. Just like the soil underneath your foot, the top of mountain too would someday be under your step. The only way to do something is to GO FOR IT! No matter how small the progress is the focus should be on completing a task successfully even though it's a small task. A series of big uncompleted task is a sure shot way to depression. Break a big task into a list of small tasks to be completed. Tick off from your list each job successfully completed. A completed task no matter how small it is gives a sense of achievement that boosts our confidence and equips us with more energy to try a bigger task.